Polymers As Pearl Necklaces......

a: Mutagen ~
b: a black pearl in a pile of white pearls

What: There are many analogies floating around about polymers. The pearl necklace is a pretty good one. Polymers, both synthetic and natural, are composed of monomers that bind together to form a polymer; this is like a single pearl ear-ring combining with other pearls to form a necklace. DNA is a polymer made of nucleotide monomers. The monomers can be changed during DNA replication by chemical agents known as mutagens. This process is like being in a necklace factory with a big pile of pearls being made into necklaces. Except, thrown in with those white pearls, are an occasional black pearl that's the wrong type. The black pearl changes the appearance of the necklace the way a mutation changes the "LOOK" of a strand of DNA

Writer: Lucretia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 13 2013 11:56 AM

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